Elements in the movie Hancock is giving a human super human powers as well as using symbolism such as a eagle to represent him being the one to over view the city and watching over its prey(criminals as well as victims).Just as will smith character does not like the people in his city they do not like him either.Hancock is given a quest of proving himself to the city the need of him.His calling was given by a spokesman named ray.Who is almost like his companion throughout his quest.His challenges of not allowing his ego over come him and not prove himself worthy as well as later within the movie he is given the opportunity to find out who he was and is but must fight for his life or keep the only way of knowing close by.
Wow--with all the different posts, I am not really sure how to put all this together. However, I can see you go the basics in here, which is good, and you obviously know the movie well. You might want to try and leave yourself more time for rewriting on the next series.