Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Blog 10 Reflection

The past few weeks we've been taught about Monomyth by Joseph Campbells. Monomyth is the hero's journey and the steps through it.Ive learned that a hero isn't born a hero but is given the opportunity to become one through his journey and if he/she returns home.That within films and t.v. shows a hero goes through test and if and only if he/she passes them they become the hero.By watching the film Spirited away i really noticed the steps,the people that get in the way of a hero's quest.Watching the interview of Joseph Campbell was very interesting.Never did i ever think things the way he does.Gives more light to what we see through everyday actions.It was enlightening the way he define a hero that it doesn't have to be a super hero but just a every day person.

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